October 13
Surge: Sunday Funday is an energetic, community building, event for SMCC youth in grades 1-6. On October 13th, our SURGE ministry youth will be having another fun Sunday out. Be sure to sign up your son and\or daughter by clicking on the button above. In fact, go ahead and plan to join them, parents are always welcome to join us. C'mon and have a Funday with us!
Event will cost $17.73 ($6.15/ticket and $11.58 for food & drink) for the youth. This should be given directly to Roy McLeod. This will cover all activities, snacks & travel expenses (i.e. fuel, tolls, etc.). If paying by check, make sure checks are made payable to the ''SMCC Youth Fund''. Youth will need no other monies.
All SURGE youth should have their own lunch to eat and bring comfortable clothes, a refillable water bottle with their name on it to travel with. Youth should wear comfortable clothes. If your SURGE youth rides in a booster seat, we need it.
The group will eat lunch in the SMCC fellowship hall around 11:30am, at the conclusion of the morning's "Praise & Preaching" service. Loading the church's van to leave the SMCC campus by 12:30pm. Return time to SMCC is tentatively set for 5:00pm. We will be using text messages throughout the day keeping all families informed.
Event will cost $17.73 ($6.15/ticket and $11.58 for food & drink) for the youth. This should be given directly to Roy McLeod. This will cover all activities, snacks & travel expenses (i.e. fuel, tolls, etc.). If paying by check, make sure checks are made payable to the ''SMCC Youth Fund''. Youth will need no other monies.
All SURGE youth should have their own lunch to eat and bring comfortable clothes, a refillable water bottle with their name on it to travel with. Youth should wear comfortable clothes. If your SURGE youth rides in a booster seat, we need it.
The group will eat lunch in the SMCC fellowship hall around 11:30am, at the conclusion of the morning's "Praise & Preaching" service. Loading the church's van to leave the SMCC campus by 12:30pm. Return time to SMCC is tentatively set for 5:00pm. We will be using text messages throughout the day keeping all families informed.